Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Procrastination - or "what I did instead of revision"

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Friday, November 5, 2010

Damn quirky knicknacks

Quite often I'm drawn to buying, well, anything that has a cool front image and/or design. It could be an album cover, a tshirt, a movie or most commonly a book. And it's usually not a problem. I end up with quirky little things that I will inevitably put on my desk, where said item will start it's desktop slumber, never to be touched again.
The problem I do have with buying quirky looking things, expecially books and clothes, is that I'm not too practical about it.
"That... shirt... has... tiny... MUFFINS ON IT!"
and I buy it. And never wear it. Say goodbye $40, right there.
And it's always the adorably quirky cute things that end up being overpriced. Gee, if I wanted to buy overpriced stuff I'd go to a commercial, hate-yourself-better teen clothing shop. Then again, they don't have muffin shirts.

But worse than just buying clothing that you don't wear, is buying books you'll never read. I see books as an investment. One day you'll be able to have a bookshelf, I tell myself, and on that bookshelf you will display row upon row of scholarly titles, showcasing your obvious intellect and tremendous taste in literary fiction.
Or your love of vinnies book bin bargains, whichever you like.
And so when I buy books, even if I read the blurb I know I'll never remember it, so I judge the book by it's cover art. Yep, that's right: I judge a book by it's cover.
Recently I was tricked by some very snazzy cover art into reading Need by Carrie Jones.
And honestly, I expected more from a story about Pixies.
Sad face.
Atleast I didn't buy it.

Books are overpriced as it is, and if I were to buy every book that I thought had a nice cover image or pretty font, I would need a much bigger bookshelf.

Damn it, I hate to love quirky knick knacks :s

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Top 11 Creepiest, Craziest and Evil Actors

So, to kick off a new blog and the decision to write regularly, I've picked the top 11 actors from my creepy, crazy and evil actor list, to showcase their ghoulish acting ability.

I'm a hug fan of crazy, evil, weird and creepy characters so everything that I write, I write with the utmost repect for those who can portray such an image.

 Number 1)
Steve Buscemi

Ahh, you old friend :)

I think I first saw him in the uncredited role of David 'Dave' Veltri, or, that drunk guy in The Wedding Singer who stands up at his friends Bridal reception and recounts that one time... with those girls...
Yeah, I was like, 8 or 9 at the time and didn't quite get the joke.

Steve Buscemi is on my list for creepiest actors because sorry, but, I get the feeling I wouldn't talk to you on the bus.
He's like that uncle every girl has, the one that cracks age-inappropriate jokes or that older guy her friend of a friend knows, who just won't go away. I dunno; Agreed, he's got the creepy look, but mostly he's plays nervous rapid speaking quirky guys.
Props for being no.1.

He's appeared in 122 tv/movie roles, constantly plays psychopaths, killers, losers or weirdo's, and has been quoted as saying: "My favourite review described me as the cinematic equivalent of junk mail. I don't know what that means, but it sounds like a dig."

 Number 2)

Paul Giamatti
Fun fact: He is the voice for Tim the gate guard in Robots.Guess they had auto tune.

His acting, for me, is far too real. When he plays the neurotic mess that he so often does, I believe it completely. In Lady in the Water, he’s this broken man and it’s intensely convincing. One of my favourite movies, The Illusionist, stars Paul Giamatti as Inspector Uhl and again, this convincing portrayal of a man stuck between a rock and hard place reaches out to you. But, in saying that, he scares me. The all-too-realness of his acting makes a movie better, but makes me a little more afraid of him :s

He’s appeared in 68 movie/tv roles, has a Master’s Degree in Fine Arts and is quoted as saying: “Generally, when I get offered these roles they're twisted or odd. It's never a straight-up romance. Like, the character can't speak or they turn out to be a serial killer.”


Number 3)

Christopher Walken
Yeah, didn’t see this one coming.

So, for me, Christopher Walken is the perfect mix of creepy and quirky: speaking in broken stilted sentences gives a humorous but equally dark quality to everything he says. I bet he could read out a bus timetable and still be hilarious. But the “I hardly blink” stare creeps me out, more than a little.
His trade mark is haunting dialogues and black/obscure humour.

He’s appeared in 113 movie/tv roles, was ranked #1 on Tropopkin's Top 25 Most Intriguing People [Issue #100] and has been quoted as saying: “I don't need to be made to look evil. I can do that on my own.”

 Number 4)

Vincent price
He’s almost his own genre of creepy – so is Walken.

Sadly deceased now, Vincent Price was the creep-meister of his day. Starring mainly in B-grade style horror flicks in the early 50’s, he made his name playing a typecasted as either a creepy misunderstood, or as the anti-hero. Some of his more famous movies include House of Wax, House of Usher, Pit and the Pendulum, The Abominable Dr. Phibes, and one of this final roles as the creator in Edward Scissor Hands.
He has been quoted as saying: “I hate being old and ill! Don't get old if you can avoid it!”

Gothically creepy, Vincent Price is the main contender on my list for creepiest actor.

 Number 5)

Crispin Glover
Mostly remembered as the guy who yanks a fistful of Lucy Lu’s hair out in Charlie Angels (and then squeals), he’s on my list solely for that role.

I admit it, I’ve seen Charlie’s Angels and did not enjoy it, but the freak in black with the bowl haircut and Edward Scissorhands complexion kept my attention for the short time he was on screen.
He was in the recently released Alice in Wonderland remake by Tim Burton, starring as the Knave of hearts and he was very frightening.

An excellent actor with an almost cult-like following, Cripsin has been in 54 movie/tv roles and plays eccentric and somewhat psychotic roles. He has been quoted as saying: “Eccentric doesn't bother me. "Eccentric" being a poetic interpretation of a mathematical term meaning something that doesn't follow the lines - that's okay.”

 Number 6)

Willem Dafoe
One of the coolest names I have ever heard, it’s just fun to say out loud. And asides from his quirky name, Willem Dafoe plays nefarious villains and misunderstood quirky guys who almost always end up being, well, nefarious villains.

He has starred most recently in Daybreakers, a very human vampire movie, and as the Green Goblin in Spiderman 1, 2 and 3.He has been quoted as saying: “I'm one of those people who when I go over a bridge, I want to jump. It's just this intense tickle in the back of my throat. It's like I'm on the verge the whole time I'm walking over that bridge, and I'm not going to get a release until I jump.”
With a cunning grin and 83 movie/tv roles under his belt, Willem Dafoe holds a menacing number 6 position on my creepiest actor list.


Number 7)

Tim Curry
Known quite most probably for his famous role as Dr Frank-N-Furter in The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Tim Curry holds the menacingly malicious number 7 on my creepiest actor list, simply for his accent. Why is it that the better spoken a character is, the more likely it is they’ll end up being the killer?

Starring quite recently in Criminal Minds as one of the most terrifying killers I’ve ever seen, Tim Curry proves that you can still act beautifully after your years of prime are behind you.
With a Cheshire like grin and one of the scariest Transvestite outfits out there, Tim Curry boasts a huge 207 movie/tv role list, and has been quoted as saying: (Speaking to a crowd at a "Rocky Horror Picture Show" convention) "It's so comforting to know that there are so many people in this world sicker than I am.

 Number 8)

Benjamin Barnes
Yes, the pretty boy typecast Prince Caspian from the Narnia films. Him.

For his role in Dorian Grey, I give him 5stars – An intense, malicious, sardonic and menacing performance lands him at number 8.

Holding a small 11 tv/movie role list, he’s a young actor who I deeply hope goes on to star as other beautiful but madly deranged characters. Please let him be typecast as the pretty boy psycho.

 Number 9)

Brad Pitt
“What?” you’re going, but really, think about if for a second; isn’t it always scarier when the seemingly well adjusted are the crazies?

His creepiest performances that land him on this list are in 12 Monkeys, Fight Club and Interview with the Vampire.With 62 tv/movies to date and no sign of slowing down, he has been quotes as sayng: “You shouldn't speak until you know what you're talking about. That's why I get uncomfortable with interviews. Reporters ask me what I feel China should do about Tibet. Who cares what I think China should do? I'm a f---ing actor! They hand me a script. I act. I'm here for entertainment. Basically, when you whittle everything away, I'm a grown man who puts on makeup.”

 Number 10)

Edward Norton
Creepily quiet and well spoken, Edward Norton is the guy in high school you were afraid to talk to.

Although not typecast as the creepy/scary guy, Norton holds a quiet menace that he puts to good use in films like The Illusionist and Fight club. In these movies, an apathetic sarcastic I’m-not-afraid-to-die character appears and is terrifying in its entirety.

With 25 tv/film roles, he has been quoted as saying: “Acting? It's a longstanding compulsion I've had since I was about five or six years old. I can literally identify the moment it struck me. I went to see a play [If I Were a Princess] in which a babysitter of mine [Betsy True, who later acted on Broadway] was performing. I was completely shell-shocked by the magic of this little community-theatre play; it just riveted me.”

And finally,

 Number 11)

Hugo weaving
Maybe it’s just his appearance that puts me off, but an overall devious and manipulative edge that he embodies has put him at number 11 on my list.

Starring in such gems as V for Vendetta and the Matrix trilogy, Weaving’s ability to dominate a role and create a manipulative character astounds me every time.

He has appeared in 71 movie/tv roles and has been quoted as saying: “One of the first things that made me want to be an actor was listening to Prokofiev's 'Romeo and Juliet'. I was intensely moved by it. I think I was about nine - I went to see the ballet. That's what made me interested in Shakespeare.”

So there it is; my top 11 creepiest actors. Its things like this I do that make me wonder why I concentrate on the small, obscure tasks.