Friday, November 5, 2010

Damn quirky knicknacks

Quite often I'm drawn to buying, well, anything that has a cool front image and/or design. It could be an album cover, a tshirt, a movie or most commonly a book. And it's usually not a problem. I end up with quirky little things that I will inevitably put on my desk, where said item will start it's desktop slumber, never to be touched again.
The problem I do have with buying quirky looking things, expecially books and clothes, is that I'm not too practical about it.
"That... shirt... has... tiny... MUFFINS ON IT!"
and I buy it. And never wear it. Say goodbye $40, right there.
And it's always the adorably quirky cute things that end up being overpriced. Gee, if I wanted to buy overpriced stuff I'd go to a commercial, hate-yourself-better teen clothing shop. Then again, they don't have muffin shirts.

But worse than just buying clothing that you don't wear, is buying books you'll never read. I see books as an investment. One day you'll be able to have a bookshelf, I tell myself, and on that bookshelf you will display row upon row of scholarly titles, showcasing your obvious intellect and tremendous taste in literary fiction.
Or your love of vinnies book bin bargains, whichever you like.
And so when I buy books, even if I read the blurb I know I'll never remember it, so I judge the book by it's cover art. Yep, that's right: I judge a book by it's cover.
Recently I was tricked by some very snazzy cover art into reading Need by Carrie Jones.
And honestly, I expected more from a story about Pixies.
Sad face.
Atleast I didn't buy it.

Books are overpriced as it is, and if I were to buy every book that I thought had a nice cover image or pretty font, I would need a much bigger bookshelf.

Damn it, I hate to love quirky knick knacks :s

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